Category: Overtime Wages

New Massachusetts Overtime Statute of Limitations

Starting in November 2014, you can look back three years before to recover unpaid overtime. This expands the previous Massachusetts overtime statute of limitations by one year. (It was two years, now it is three). Lawyers are now debating whether the change…

Overtime Pay for Bus Drivers

Bus drivers often do not receive the overtime pay they deserve if they work more than 40 hours a week. Why? Some employers think that bus drivers are not entitled to overtime, and this is sometimes true under federal law.…

Unpaid Wages and Overtime for Undocumented Workers

Can undocumented workers sue for unpaid wages? This question has been addressed by many courts, and the answer is yes. Undocumented workers are frequent victims of wage and overtime exploitation, and it would be extraordinarily bad policy to allow employers…

Salary and Overtime Pay

Even if you are paid a salary, you may be entitled to overtime. This is because you can be paid a salary and be either exempt OR nonexempt from overtime. This is a common mistake that employers make, intentional or…

Overtime Rules for Nurses

The Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) regulations have become more restrictive with respect to nurses and overtime. Fewer nurses are now entitled to overtime under current Department of Labor regulations interpreting the FLSA. However, there are some important rules to…

Massachusetts Overtime Claims and Exemptions

There are two overtime laws that apply to Massachusetts employees: the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and the Massachusetts Overtime Law. There is a lot on the web about the federal law, but this posting will mainly be about the…

Introductory Post from a Massachusetts Wage Lawyer

I’m a little late with this introductory post, but now that this page has garnered a bit of readership, I figured I would take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Nicholas Ortiz. I graduated from Vanderbilt University and…