Case Report: Massachusetts Superior Court Certifies Car Sales Employee Class Action

On July 23, 2019, the Massachusetts Superior Court for Plymouth County certified a class of sales employees in Speakman v. Sullivan Bros. Nissan, Inc., et al., Case No. 16-00165, an unpaid wage class action. Our law firm was appointed as class counsel for the employees.

In our motion for class certification, we argued that the employees had suffered similarly due to two different violations of the Massachusetts Wage Act:

  • Employees worked more than 40 hours in a workweek and were not paid overtime wages for those overtime hours.
  • Employees received pay stubs that did not list their actual hours worked.

The defendants opposed the motion, but the judge agreed with the employees and certified an Overtime Class and a Pay Slips Class.

If you worked for Sullivan Brothers between February 2013 and the present, or if you are an employee at a different company facing similar issues, feel free to contact us.

Learn more about a wage or overtime class action.

Free Wage Case Evaluation

This evaluation helps us determine if your case is one we can take on a contingency basis. While we can’t take every case, we’ll do our best to point you toward other resources if we can’t proceed with yours. Please understand that we are unable to offer legal advice or opinions during this process.

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